Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yeah, I'm hopeless..

I just spent nearly 4 hours working on the jacket for the baby set I'm making at Mom's request...I have these great new toys but I behaved and actually worked on the set...this jacket is about 1/3 of the way finished already....and it's looking cute!!! But I really wonder how long it's going to take me to make the's fingering weight yarn, which feels really really tiny to me, since I'm so used to worstered weight, and it's done with a thread hook, which I'm not used to takes me about an hour to work 4 rows on the back...and I have to get to row 61 before I can even start shaping on the thing...and then I have to do the front piece too!! I know it will be beautiful when it's done, but I think I was a very smart cookie to get the other pieces finished first, just in case!! Good thing the baby isn't due til May!!!

We ordered the UFC pay per view tonight...and I did watch the first fight...Bisping won!! I'm so freaking happy about that!! I really like him, he's a great fighter...and he won his professional debut match in the UFC!! Yay Michael!!! Then I turned off the TV and let the VCR do it's thing cause otherwise I'll get sucked in and I'll stay up until 1 AM to see Tito & Chuck go at it...and then I just won't be a very nice person when I have to get up in the, with that in mind, I think I'll sign off and head to dreamland....

Fed the addiction today!!

So, with the holidays I received some funds to spend on whatever I want...and some of that money will actually go to buying new seeds for my attempt at gardening...however, I went and fed the addiction such the shopping high!! I never get this happy when I'm looking for clothes, shoes, or anything else...but let me loose in a craft store with a good amount of money and no kids hanging on me and I totally get the shopping high!!!

I promised myself to look thru the rest of the store first, before looking at the yarn, because I knew that I could totally spend all my $$ on yarn, especially since there is a sale going on right now LOL, but I wanted to see if anything else caught my there I am, in AC Moore, in my Crochetville tee shirt....looking at everything but the yarn!! Yeah...I went thru the whole store and I came home with yarn & yarn-related things!!

I picked up some yarns that I never even bother to look at cause of their price tags...Lion Brand Suede yarn (2 skeins of purple) as well as Classic Wool (2 different blues, 2 skeins each) for my first felting attempt, Pound of Love in light blue to complete one of my designs (it will be yoga pants when I'm done with it!), a Caron One Pounder in Hunter Green for one of my designs (will be a very pretty skirt or possibly dress when it's finished)...and then a pound bag of green fluffy yarn millends to make a blanket for Lori, 4 packs of elastic to get my thru my next few projects, 2 full sets of knitting looms (the round ones and the long ones) and 2 small books of patterns to go with the looms.....yeah...I'm a happy camper....OH!! And two more skeins of the varigated yarn I'd picked up the other night for the sweater for my mother's co-worker's soon to be external baby and didn't like for the pattern...I figured that I'd already opened and used one of the skeins I'd picked up so I had to keep it, and I would need the second skein to make anything of a usable size....and today I got 2 more so I might actually be able to make a blanket or a snuggly for Lori with it....

And I still have what I need for my seed order!! I'm so happy!!!

In the last 3 days, I've been to AC Moore 3 times...I love it!!! The employees are starting to giggle when they see me, cause they all get a kick out of the things they overhear me say...either to the kids or to myself when I'm least with the kids along with me I can at least pretend that I'm talking to them and not myself LOL!!

So, I've just spent the last hour or so trying out these knitting looms...and I think I've got a hold on it I think I'm going to do a search for patterns I can use on them and then I'll behave and get back to the baby set that I'm working on!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Past Projects I Want to Show Off...

So I thought I'd show off a few of my past here are some pics...

First, a dress that I made for each of my girls (there are actually 2 dresses but only one in the pic LOL) to wear to my cousins wedding this past summer. Then a pair of halter tops I made for my girls this past summer. The patterns for both the dress and the halters are available at and the designer is amazingly talented!! The sweater is something I found in an old magazine and I made it up for Rory...of course she outgrew it as soon as I was finished making it LOL!!!

Next is the front and back of a pillow I created for my niece at her request...she's a huge Happy Bunny fan and this pretty much made her think I'm the coolest aunt around...

And last but not least are my two original top patterns that I am very proud of...not bad for my first attempts...though I'm sure that 10 years down the road I'll look back at these and cringe, just like my favorite authors say they do over their first books....

And so we begin.. here's another attempt at keeping a blog going...and I'm just going to jump right in..

I'm Jessie....Pagan, SAHM, crochet fanatic, and an all-around headcase...and anyone who actually knows me will completely agree with all of that. But I'm lovable, or so they tell me, so it's all good.

Right now, I'm home with both kids, as Rory has the week off from school. We're still recovering from the craziness of the holidays with the family, and we've got another holiday get together this weekend, and then the last one in 2 weeks before it's all over with. Lori is sick with this terrible cough that just makes me hurt for her...Rory is bouncing off the walls with major mini-Diva 'tude going on...and I am SOOO happy that it's Friday and Jeff and I are going out tonight!!! We've been looking forward to this for a while and this last week has just made tonight look better and better LOL!!

Anyway....currently, I'm working on a sizable project for my Mom..she's got 2 ladies in her office who are preggers and asked me to make baby sets for each of them..I'm about half way thru the first set now, and will post pics of what I've completed soon, I promise!! This set consists of a sunhat with a little flower for the brim, a car seat blanket, a jacket, and a traditional smock. I've got the hat & flower and the blanket finished, the smock started...and just need to hit the yarn store really quickly tonight to pick up a different yarn for the main part of the jacket...I started the jacket last night but didn't like how it looked, so I'll just keep that yarn for myself and get a better base color tonight....once I get this set finished and mailed out to Mom, she'll tell me what she wants color-wise for the second set and I can work on that one too!!

The other thing that I'm working on is this...I want a garden...I know it's nearly January, but I want to grow things...for a couple of reasons...I love plants and think they're beautiful. I've always wanted to be the gal with the porch and stairs filled with flowers. The more green growing things there are, the better for the planet. Plus, nearly every natural thing can be used magically, and I feel like if I grow it myself I can make sure that everything I use for that purpose will have been grown & raised properly and with respect to Nature. OK, so anyway!! I tried to start my garden last year, but I over-watered all my poor little seedlings and they died...and it was too late in the year to start a new, now I've got these seeds (which I just found out might not be viable since they are from last year???) and I'm just itching to get the seedlings started again...I've got my Gardening for Dummies book, I'm now a member of an online gardening forum where I can ask all my stupid newbie questions and get some help from folks who actually have a clue, I've got the seeds...and last night I went out to AC Moore and picked up these little pots (like 3.5 inch diameter little LOL) and today I picked up some potting soil that is made to absorb a lot of extra moisture to protect against under & over watering...and I think that I'm going to try a couple of the seeds that I never opened last year, a couple in each little pot, and keep them inside in my kitchen to give me a little practice before it's time to start the seedlings for outside in a couple of months.... I'm off to give the little one her medicine and pick up my hooks!!!