Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another day...

OK, why is it when you're really looking forward to a specific date, the days seem to take longer and longer to pass??? I've got my tattoo appointment for my tribute tat on Saturday..and yesterday took for-freaking-ever!! It's like, okay I'm excited! Cue the slow-mo days!! Grrrr....

I'm pup sitting my parents eldest dog....she's 16....it's interesting to have a dog in the house again...haven't had a dog around all the time for the last 7 years...I've missed it! But I've already spoken with my aunt about that...she's recently gotten a chocolate lab pup and plans to breed her, so I've got first dibs on her first litter....so in about a year, I'll be getting a dog again....which is good, cause the first several months after the move are going to be insane! Getting the house in order, getting R in school, getting myself in school, getting used to living in NC, finding everything in the area that we'll need....hmmm....that's a lot of stuff...maybe I should actually start packing?? Nah! I'll leave that another week or so....

Had a meeting at R's school on Friday...they did the testing her ped asked for and have pretty much ruled out learning disabilities...she scored above average or highly above average on every single area they tested her on....so she's freaking brilliant (big surprise there!) and just needs a little something extra to help her stay focused....now just have to do the child psych thing and we'll get an official diagnosis!!

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