OK, so I got my tat, it looks terrific..it does actually hang straight, but my arm is crossed across my tummy in the pic, so it looks crooked...and I got us all moved to NC...and we're all settled in, only have a few more boxes to unpack...and we're getting a day to day pattern going...and I've got an appt for R with the ped here to get her started on her meds for the ADHD (which I DID finally get the official diagnosis for right before we moved) in a few weeks, got her registered for school (starts last week in Aug)....and things are okay...
My cousins & aunt & uncle are all popping in or calling every couple of days to make sure we're okay..not so much as to be annoying, but just enough that I know they care...they're really good people and I really think I'm gonna have to keep them hehehe...
I had my niece here with us for a few weeks and that was amazing!! She's never gotten casual affection before and she just soaks it up like the desert in a rainstorm...we didn't do anything really exciting...shopping, went to the beach, my cous' pool, just really hanging out...but it was so much fun and for a little while at least it seemed like this child wasn't constantly focused on worrying about her mom...brought her home, visited with some very very dear friends for an annual cookout which just ROCKED!! Not real wild, not real big, but very good people, very good conversation & a VERY good time...exactly what I needed...
We did back to school clothes shopping today...R's fav item is a pair of sparkly pink Barbie cowgirl boots. Yep, I actually bought her pink cowgirl boots....I'm sure she'll live in them til she's outgrown them and I have to pry her feet out of them LOL...
Once R starts school, I'll be headed over to the local comm. college and speak with the folks there about getting all my ducks in a row & all set up to start my classes in Jan. Planning on becoming a nurse...probably pediatrics...
So, that's all the news for now folks! Sorry it's been so long...I promise I'll try to do better now that things are calming down some...
Hey there! Glad you're getting settled in. We're looking forward to visiting. I hope S had a good time at the party. E was so glad she came.
Hugs to the girls!
hey Jess! sorry i didnt reply to your email, my puter died! so glad you're settling in so well and that the girls are loving it :D pink cowgirl boots and school clothes shopping, does she wear them to school?? we have to have uniforms on our kids here in West Aus :) No denim allowed lol. becoming a peds nurse is going to be an amazing journey and i cant wait to share it with you! bye for now, love and hugs
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