Sunday, April 15, 2007

Been a while...again...

OK...when I started this blog, it was at a friend's request and I told her I was no good at keeping up with these things...and I think my track record of posting once or twice a month has proven that true LOL...

SO! Since my last entry, we had Jeff's sombel (traditional Viking send off, lots of food, alcohol & people who loved him) and it went off wonderfully...that was two weeks ago. It was probably the hardest day I've ever had to get through, with so many people who cared for him coming and telling me how wonderful he was...there were so many people there that i pretty much only spoke to each person for a few minutes and then had to move on to the next group...I feel badly that I didn't spend more time with certain friends, or with the family members who traveled hours from other states, but what's done is done...

After that, I started NutraSystem. I started that this past Monday and as of this morning, I'm down 5 pounds. That's a good start as far as I'm concerned. I'm finding it difficult to eat everything they tell me I'm supposed to eat's funny to me how much more I have to eat to lose weight...

And today was supposed to be my 7th wedding anniversary. I celebrated by doing some major on-line shopping for myself. New clothes, a couple bracelets, stuff that I know I will look good in, that I know I will use, that I normally wouldn't spend the money on (cause it's for me) but that Jeff always would try and push me to buy....and so now I get to wait for the boxes to start arriving!! That'll be fun, opening them and trying everything on.

In the last month, I've completed the two pillows I was making, and of course I mailed them to my friends without taking pictures of them....I've also been working on halter tops for the kids for summer, and I just started a baby set for one of my on-line mommy friends who is expecting her next mini in June...

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

I like your coping mechanism - its good to indulge after something major disrupts your life or routine. You seem to be hanging in there, i wish you well.