So, DD is having big problems at school and the principal told us that we wouldn't be wasting our time if we got her evaluated for ADD/ADHD. Legally, no one in the school system can tell us they think she's got ADD/ADHD, because it's a medical diagnosis and none of them are doctors...but she did say that she's noticed DD showing alot of the signs they look for when they are asked to help evaluate a kid's behavior as part of the diagnosis today DD should be bringing home some forms for DH and I to fill out to get the ball rolling on getting her evaluated....things have been very stressful lately...
DH was in Jersey over the weekend for our SIL's fund raiser, and it was a huge success, so that's good...but we're still very worried about our SIL and her's day by day.....
I actually have been so stressed out lately that I did not crochet all weekend...I went 3 whole days without touching yarn or hooks at all...didn't even look at patterns!! When I told DH that, he checked my pulse and touched my forehead to make sure I wasn't sick LOL....but last night I just stood and looked at my stash until a yarn jumped out at me, then I gathered all the skeins of that yarn I have (4 total) and grabbed a hook...didn't really know what I was going to do, just started working on it...and it's turning out pretty well, I think...still not sure if it's going to be a square that I will make multiples of to make a blanket, or if what I've got is just the center of a blanket...but I'm going to continue working on it and we'll see how it turns out...I did have the sense to write out what I was doing, once I realized it was looking pretty, so I should be able to duplicate it again, so that's good....
We finally got snow that stayed on the ground last night. DH had to clean off the cars this morning and the streets in the apartment complex are kind of crummy....but the main roads are clear, so I might venture out tonight in search of the yarn I need to make the second baby set for my mom....depends on how the day goes though I think...
I'm off to work on my new project and maybe translate some of my graphs into line counts....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
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jessie, dont jump straight to "it must be adhd". not sure about in the usa, but here stats are climbing higher and higher that learning difficulties and such are being misdiagnosed as adhd. easier to blame something that doesnt really specify anything than to truly look for a problem. dyslexia, eye sight, hearing, too clever/not coping ini class. so many aspects which cause kids to be disruptive and not concerntrate well. stress in the home even, and with sil i am sure she is experiencing her fair share of stress. talk to rory all grown up like, as her to discuss school but dont focus on the bad. she may volunteer enough info at your interest to give you an idea of where to look. if you get eye exmas as part of your health cover, go get it done ;) it's recommended we do it round age 6 and definately worth it if it isnt an extra expense. i found out i needed glasses at 12, who knows how long before then i was undiagnosed. i am sure it will all work out soon, just please please don't put her in a box just yet.
Shell...thank you so much for caring!! We have had DD's eyes checked, tried talking to her about this several times (both when she's gotten in trouble and when she hasn't), talked to her teacher to see if she's not getting challenged (or is TOO challenged) in class by the work, just had her hearing tested when we got the googly eye removed from her ear in January....we are actually working through as many things as we can think of to see if anything else is the cause...but we have to get her evaluated to see if it really is ADD/ADHD too. Nothing else has been the source, so maybe this is. Definately not jumping to this without making several stops along the way...I'd much rather it be pretty much ANYTHING else that we could fix, but if this is it, we have to know for sure....
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