Last week DD#1 had winter break from school...and the week went well til Wednesday evening...then all hell broke loose and it still hasn't gotten back to a good place yet...she also had a snow day her ready and off to school today and saw that the school psychologist's assessment of her has been sitting in her backpack all week. Reading that paperwork was like a punch in the gut. Even though I do believe that she needs outside help, that she probably does have ADD/ADHD, there was still a part of me that almost hoped all it boiled down to was that DH and I would need to just learn some new parenting techniques and we'd deal with it....DD is off the charts in the 'clinically significant' ranges on nearly every single criteria in the evaluation. And this eval was based on independent surveys of DH and I, DD's teachers, and the school psychologist herself. It really isn't just that we're having trouble handling an active 6 yr old...she really is off the charts...and while I am glad that the eval had supported what we've seen at home, it still hurt like hell to read.
The pediatrition's office was closed all last week...I've been trying since Friday to call them to set up an appointment for an eval for her...finally got thru this AM and discovered that they were actually just closed the whole time...very frustrating, cause the outgoing message didn't say a word about it being closed, but whatever...set up the appointment, but it's not until the 9th...which is 2 weeks away...but okay, at least it's all set up. I have to drop off the school's eval paperwork at the ped's office today so that he can review it before I go to see him...the appointment is for me to go solo, not for DD to be there, so I assume he's going to base his eval on the paperwork, what he's seen himself (he did comment last time that she really just doesn't stop moving & talking ever), and what I tell that's at least a step in the right direction...
And just as got DD#2 down for her nap, the phone rings...and it's the school...and it's the principal telling me that DD#1 now has an in school suspension...she told a classmate that she was going to punch him in the eyeball..and when asked why she said that, the only answer she'd give is "I DON'T REMEMBER"...and the principal said that if this continues, this might have to change to an out of school suspension...she's six freaking years old!! We are not violent people that she would have heard something like that at home...we do not let her watch violent programs on TV, or in movies, so it's not something she's seen...I don't know where she's getting this stuff from, or why she thinks this is okay to do...I just don't know what to do...
DH and I need a break..we need some time off, just for ourselves...this is a non-stop battle that we fight every damned day and we're just worn out...but my dad's fighting a bout of celulitous and my mom's taking care of him...his mom is holding his brother together and helping his brother's family deal with our sister in law's injuries and brain condition...and his dad doesn'tdo diapers, sleepovers, or anything of the we're stuck....
I just I NEED...a couple of days when she holds it together and behaves at least somewhat normally so that I don't get calls from the school, so that we don't have to yell or fight, so that there are no temper tantrums to deal with...but that's just not going to happen now...
So, I'll deal...I'll finish my lunch and comfort myself with my ice cream (which I know is the wrong thing to do for my diet but I can't seem to care right now) and I'll escape into TV fiction and I'll ignore the world until DD#2 gets up from her nap...then I'll take the paperwork to the ped's office and wait til it's time to pick up DD#1 from school...and then I guess I'll just tread water til the 9th....
Pray for us...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Scarf pics
And the pics!!
I know I promised to post pics of the baby sets I did for my here they are...
The first two are the preemie set that I made for the the first pic, two little hats and a sweater, all made to fit a 2-3 pound baby. That's a mechanical pencil the the pic with them to give some idea of size. In the second pic is a hooded poncho and matching footed pants, also made for a 2-3 pound baby and just as tiny.
This third one is the original set for the girl..a jacket, hat and carseat blanket. The blanket is off white, light purple and dark purple. The jacket is mostly white (with a silver strand throughout) and has pastel green, pink & blue at the top. The hat is a light blue and had a little off white flower that Mom will be attaching herself for the brim.
The fourth one is the boy's set...two jackets and a car seat blanket. The blanket is red, white & navy blue. The smaller jacket is light blue, and the bigger jacket (it actually fits my 2 yr old DD!) has all 4 colors in it.
I also made a couple of scarves for Mom, one of which Dad stole as soon as he saw it...I'll put up those pics in a minute...
Dropped the ball..
OK, so it's been like three weeks since I posted...I really suck at keeping up with entries like this...
Anyway...let's see..what's going on...the medical conditions in my family haven't changed much at all, so we're still living day to day to see what's going to happen...I feel like I don't want to make plans to do anything ever cause I don't want to have to cancel them or not be home if the worst happens...but at the same time I don't want to continue to exist (as opposed to living my life) just waiting and not doing anything...
I joined a stashbusting group on the Ville...and I'm really kicking tushy there...I've got my regular WW yarns all in one box, with room to spare now! I've got all my POL yarn in one bag, all the Sugar & Creme in another, the wool in a bag, and a bag for thread (which I think I might just give away cause working with it just totally stresses me out)...and one last bag for yarn that I have set aside for a special project...and that's it. I'm actually very proud of myself...I haven't purchased any new yarn for 2 1/2 weeks...and the one time I did buy yarn since I started this stashbusting challenge, it was for that special project, so it was not an impulse buy at all and I only bought what I need for it. I'm doing really well. I also have worked through all the little balls and partial skeins that I had just taking up space, so now they're actually part of something functional, which is great. I've got my next 3 or 4 projects all lined up, plus that special project that I really should work on's just so much fun to work on these stashbusting things that I've gotten a bit addicted to the 2 or 3 strand items....
Getting very frustrated with DD...I was waiting for the school to get back to us about the survey things that we filled out about her, but I think I'm just going to call the doc and see what the process for her evaluation will be. This is not a decision that we came to lightly, to have her evaluated, but we've tried everything and nothing is helping. She's telling us that no one in her class wants to be her friend because she causes so much trouble in class. She's a very social kid and has always had everyone just adore her on sight, this is really hard for her...she was amazed to find out that folks actually could chose to NOT like her, and now that she feels her whole class is against her, it's hurting her alot. I don't like the thought of her being on meds, but if that's what it takes to help her, to give her the aid she needs to focus a bit more and control the impulses that are leading to trouble, I will do it. I know that ADD/ADHD is a medical condition that needs meds to regulate it. If it were diabetes or a heart condition, I wouldn't hesitate to get her the medical treatment she needs, so why should I ignore the possiblity that this could be the source of the trouble and at least get it checked out? If that's the way her ped says we need to go, we will do it...just have to get the evaluation under way.
I joined a new site ( to help with my weight loss journey. I'm aiming at losing at least 75 pounds, of which I've already lost 5. This site is really great and I am very hopeful that it will help me keep on track.
I'm on a new creative kick with those paints that you do on a plastic sheet and then can peal and stick it onto glass...I made a couple of pieces for our front window for V Day today. I also have this long thin window by the front door, so I'm working on making a set of panels that will fit that window and cover it from top to's not a curtain but it's better than having nothing there...and the panels are coming out really pretty so far...I've got the top and bottom pieces done and am waiting for a few more things to dry before I do the middle two panels. I'll post pics when I have it all done.
Monday was the 7th anniversary of the day DH propsed to me. Seven years. How is it seven years already?? And at the same time, how is it only seven years that I've had him in my life?? When I sit and look at him and our girls, and the life we've made together, it just amazes me. I am so very blessed. We aren't rolling in cash, we don't live a life without issues, but we are so incredibly blessed to have each other. Every night I thank the Gods that I have the life I have, cause it could have turned out so very differently....
Today is Valentine's Day...and I was woken up with kisses...and I have a pretty new plant from DH and a Disney Princesses Valentine's card from my older DD...and my younger DD is all sorts of snuggly...and in a few hours, DH will be coming home and we're going to snuggle up and watch a movie together tonight after the kiddo's are in is good.
Anyway...let's see..what's going on...the medical conditions in my family haven't changed much at all, so we're still living day to day to see what's going to happen...I feel like I don't want to make plans to do anything ever cause I don't want to have to cancel them or not be home if the worst happens...but at the same time I don't want to continue to exist (as opposed to living my life) just waiting and not doing anything...
I joined a stashbusting group on the Ville...and I'm really kicking tushy there...I've got my regular WW yarns all in one box, with room to spare now! I've got all my POL yarn in one bag, all the Sugar & Creme in another, the wool in a bag, and a bag for thread (which I think I might just give away cause working with it just totally stresses me out)...and one last bag for yarn that I have set aside for a special project...and that's it. I'm actually very proud of myself...I haven't purchased any new yarn for 2 1/2 weeks...and the one time I did buy yarn since I started this stashbusting challenge, it was for that special project, so it was not an impulse buy at all and I only bought what I need for it. I'm doing really well. I also have worked through all the little balls and partial skeins that I had just taking up space, so now they're actually part of something functional, which is great. I've got my next 3 or 4 projects all lined up, plus that special project that I really should work on's just so much fun to work on these stashbusting things that I've gotten a bit addicted to the 2 or 3 strand items....
Getting very frustrated with DD...I was waiting for the school to get back to us about the survey things that we filled out about her, but I think I'm just going to call the doc and see what the process for her evaluation will be. This is not a decision that we came to lightly, to have her evaluated, but we've tried everything and nothing is helping. She's telling us that no one in her class wants to be her friend because she causes so much trouble in class. She's a very social kid and has always had everyone just adore her on sight, this is really hard for her...she was amazed to find out that folks actually could chose to NOT like her, and now that she feels her whole class is against her, it's hurting her alot. I don't like the thought of her being on meds, but if that's what it takes to help her, to give her the aid she needs to focus a bit more and control the impulses that are leading to trouble, I will do it. I know that ADD/ADHD is a medical condition that needs meds to regulate it. If it were diabetes or a heart condition, I wouldn't hesitate to get her the medical treatment she needs, so why should I ignore the possiblity that this could be the source of the trouble and at least get it checked out? If that's the way her ped says we need to go, we will do it...just have to get the evaluation under way.
I joined a new site ( to help with my weight loss journey. I'm aiming at losing at least 75 pounds, of which I've already lost 5. This site is really great and I am very hopeful that it will help me keep on track.
I'm on a new creative kick with those paints that you do on a plastic sheet and then can peal and stick it onto glass...I made a couple of pieces for our front window for V Day today. I also have this long thin window by the front door, so I'm working on making a set of panels that will fit that window and cover it from top to's not a curtain but it's better than having nothing there...and the panels are coming out really pretty so far...I've got the top and bottom pieces done and am waiting for a few more things to dry before I do the middle two panels. I'll post pics when I have it all done.
Monday was the 7th anniversary of the day DH propsed to me. Seven years. How is it seven years already?? And at the same time, how is it only seven years that I've had him in my life?? When I sit and look at him and our girls, and the life we've made together, it just amazes me. I am so very blessed. We aren't rolling in cash, we don't live a life without issues, but we are so incredibly blessed to have each other. Every night I thank the Gods that I have the life I have, cause it could have turned out so very differently....
Today is Valentine's Day...and I was woken up with kisses...and I have a pretty new plant from DH and a Disney Princesses Valentine's card from my older DD...and my younger DD is all sorts of snuggly...and in a few hours, DH will be coming home and we're going to snuggle up and watch a movie together tonight after the kiddo's are in is good.
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